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Postby cklaurence » Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:13 am

Hey all! Getting really excited about Joe Robbie Stadium's changes. Every time I pass the stadium and see the 'cover' going up and knowing for the first time ever we won't be exposed to the brutal sun at the games. Being a forty-plus year season ticket holder, last year I had two squemas cell carcinomas and one pre-cancerous piece of my face--and that's with always slathering sunblock all over my face each and every game AND wearing a hat. Hoping the stadium cover will help. The heat was killer!!!

Hopefully it will also cool it down a bit as well. Some games we'd have to leave our seats and go out to the food stands where it was covered and watch it on the televisions out there. To boot, it's been getting hotter every year...hoping this will make the difference in so many ways. :D :up:
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Postby kicks » Tue May 03, 2016 8:21 pm

Shout out to CK!

Enjoy the new stadium modifications. Sitting out in the sun all day can't be fun. Good move for them.

Hope Draft Santa left some good toys in your stocking.

Hugs to you and yours.
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Postby cklaurence » Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:48 am

A HUGE nearly preseason hug to everyone--oldies and newbies!!! As it grows closer and articles grow more frequent, I'm guessing everyone is growing more excited (even we Dolphin fans who are as close to dead last in projections for success.

Personally, I'm expecting NOTHING new from my Phins, but I do hope that the cover that is expected to make the sun somewhat less horrific that it has been over the years. At last we have something to look forward to on the north side of the stadium.

Hoping fans will start trickling in soon. I've missed the predictions, shouting, love, hate and general hoopla that builds throughout the season. Funny how time flies with ONE major exception--the offseason! They moved our first home game (preseason) because SHOCKER -- the stadium addition won't be finished in time. I'm betting it won't be ready for the second game either. The only good news there is that we don't have to pay for the games that are moved to Orlando. The bad news is that rather than reimbursing us, they are putting the money towards next season's seats. We get no choice in this (why would Ross allow us to keep our own money for our own reasons when he can be working off our interest along with his own gazillions). Do you know how many Reese's Peanut Butter Cups we could by with the money from four season seats????? Prime seats to boot!

Hugs to all.... :lol:
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Postby cklaurence » Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:33 am

[size=150]I'm looking to see reactions to the Tom Brady situation. Sick and tired of seeing/hearing all the talking heads whining about "poor Brady"--perfect record for fifteen years and they have the nerve to treat him like a god for this one little itsy bitsy alleged transgression. It's not his first transgression--he's been playing for BB all these years and there has been one 'itsy bitsy teeny tiny' transgression after another over the years, but Brady always comes up smelling like a rose. Like he wasn't aware of spygate or any of the other cheating that's gone on over the years. It is not possible that the QB could be so naive as to be oblivious to all the sh*t that's gone down!!!
I know I'm not totally objective in anything Brady, but PUHLEEZZZZ! The guy got his hands caught right in the air delivery system and used the balls through the entire game, and you're going to tell me he didn't notice his balls were a bit light? Gimme a break already!!!!

Anyone care to comment (please, please, please!)--I am totally baffled. People simply can't be that naive... :roll:
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Postby Jarhead93 » Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:42 pm

cklaurence wrote:[size=150]I'm looking to see reactions to the Tom Brady situation. Sick and tired of seeing/hearing all the talking heads whining about "poor Brady"--perfect record for fifteen years and they have the nerve to treat him like a god for this one little itsy bitsy alleged transgression. It's not his first transgression--he's been playing for BB all these years and there has been one 'itsy bitsy teeny tiny' transgression after another over the years, but Brady always comes up smelling like a rose. Like he wasn't aware of spygate or any of the other cheating that's gone on over the years. It is not possible that the QB could be so naive as to be oblivious to all the sh*t that's gone down!!!
I know I'm not totally objective in anything Brady, but PUHLEEZZZZ! The guy got his hands caught right in the air delivery system and used the balls through the entire game, and you're going to tell me he didn't notice his balls were a bit light? Gimme a break already!!!!

Anyone care to comment (please, please, please!)--I am totally baffled. People simply can't be that naive... :roll:

** Hello Godmother <kisses hand>

I for one am happy to see the golden boy finally acknowledge that it was a losing battle.
only PATS fans think that it was a minor infraction.
anyone else calls it what it is: CHEATING.
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Postby cklaurence » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:26 am

Why hello, Jarhead...so nice to finally meet you!

It was good to see someone responding to my rant about golden boy--and moreso, agreeing with me. I thought thee talking heads were going to fall over one another while mourning that their god was finally spanked for something. I'm waiting for the entire team to be suspended (indefinitely) and for St.Tom to get caught doing something that beats him right out of his reserved place in the Hall of Fame!

Thanks for your very gentlemanly kiss. People so often have their tempers up around here, it's so nice to be acknowledged in such a delightful manner.Especially here where tempers are often high and kindness goes awry, lol.

We've had two home games removed because surprise surprise, Ross didn't have his act together and the topper for the stadium won't be ready till some time in September now. Hope we don't yet still lose more...
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Postby kicks » Fri Sep 02, 2016 2:48 pm

Howdy CK! Just a drive by to say hello.

Hugs to you!
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Postby cklaurence » Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:44 pm

[color=#008080]Howdy Kicks--and thanks for the drive by--I so appreciate your little notes.

Switzerland is resting in peace--replaced by a lack of loyalty and newer, more modern places to blog. I stop by occasionally to see if anyone (like you) has come by, and it's always been a special treat to see your drive-bys. My very best to you! <3
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Postby kicks » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:00 pm

cklaurence wrote:[color=#008080]Howdy Kicks--and thanks for the drive by--I so appreciate your little notes.

Switzerland is resting in peace--replaced by a lack of loyalty and newer, more modern places to blog. I stop by occasionally to see if anyone (like you) has come by, and it's always been a special treat to see your drive-bys. My very best to you! <3

And my best to you and yours, CK!!!
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Postby cklaurence » Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:02 am

[b]Howdy kicksie. Always glad to see you drive by. Hope all is well with you and yours as well...take good care![/b]
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Postby SuperSerial » Fri Nov 25, 2016 2:49 am

Hello all. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

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Postby kicks » Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:12 pm

SuperSerial wrote:Hello all. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.


Hey SS! Its been a minute since you've been around. Hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Cheers to you and yours.
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Postby SuperSerial » Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:31 am


Still got a job and a heartbeat. Hope you are well.
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Postby dredwak » Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:00 am

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